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从事解剖教学、科研工作20 余年,主持省级和校级教改项目各1项,参与省级、校级教改

项目 5 项,发表教学论文多篇。获得2018年国家科技进步二等奖,2015年辽宁省科技厅技术发明二等奖,获得 2022 年辽宁省高校教师教学创新大赛特等奖,全国高校教师教学创新大赛三等奖。2022 年辽宁省普通高等教育教学成果一等奖,2018年校优秀教学成果奖。研究方向为临床应用解剖学,主持辽宁省重点研发计划项目1项、辽宁省一般项目2项,获国家科技进步二等奖 1 项。近 5 年发表 sci 收录论文 10 余篇,主编参编著作和教材10部,代表作《生物塑化技术》、《零基础绘图学解剖》等。



中国中西医学会美容解剖学分会 副主任委员




近五年 SCI 论文:

1. A valuable subarachnoid space named the occipito-atlantal cistern. Sci Rep. 2023 Jul 26;13(1):12096.

2. A new concept of the fiber composition of cervical spinal dura mater: an investigation

utilizing the P45 sheet plastination. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2022 Jun;44(6):877-882.

3. Architecture of the cancellous bone in human proximal tibia based on P45 sectional

plastinated specimens. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. 2021 Dec;43(12):2055-2069.

4. Congenital Atlanto-Occipital Fusion and its Effect on the Myodural Bridge: A Case Report

Utilizing the P45 Plastination Technique. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, 2022 ;

40 ( 3 ): 796 – 800.

5. The morphology, biomechanics, and physiological function of the suboccipital myodural

connections. Scientifc Reports, 2021, 11(1): 8064.

6. Development of myodural bridge located within the atlanto-occipital interspace of rats. Anat

Rec. 2020: 1–10.

7. The myodural bridge complex defined as a new functional structure. Surgical and Radiologic

Anatomy, 2020, 42(2): 143-153.

8. Existence of Myodural Bridge in the Trachemys scripta elegans: Indication of its Important

Physiological Function. Int. J. Morpho. 2019, 37(4):1353-1360.

9. Existence and features of the myodural bridge in Gallus domesticus: indication of its

important physiological function. Anatomical Science International, 2019, 94 (2): 184-191.

10. Anatomical Parameters of the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major and Obliqus Capitis Inferior

Muscles Based on an Oblique Sagittal Magnetic Resonance Scan Method. Int. J. Morpho.

2018 36(3):921-925.

11. The myodural bridge in the common rock pigeon (Columbia livia): Morphology and possible

physiological implications. Journal of Morphology, 2018,279 (10):1524-1531.

12. The myodural bridges' existence in the spermwhale. PLoS ONE, 2018,13(7): e0200260.

13. Orientation and property of fibers of the myodural bridge in humans. The Spine Journal,

2018,18 (6): 1081-1087.

编辑:芦鹤媛 最后更新:


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